
Shriyut Anand

 Shriyut Anand

Born in 1976 in Lucknow, Shriyut Anand is enlightened in Tattomasi Vedantic tradition. He realized Truth by destroying primal ignorance (in June 2015) declaring that knowledge of truth is not an intellectual system of thoughts and ideas but an application of a peculiar means of knowledge to directly experience Truth just as when eyes are operated as a means of knowledge they make one experience an object directly for oneself. This means meditation and yoga postures can only purify mind but cannot lead to knowledge because they are not a means of knowledge just as one cannot find a lost object by meditating on it but only by applying a means of knowledge like eyes to search for it.   

It has been said in esoteric circles that such direct realization of truth is never accessible to more than two hundred people on the planet at any point of time ever since human population came into being. Shriyut Anand has established Lok Advait Jivan Shikhsha Sansthan in 2022 for spreading actual and meaningful life education and impart seven step direct teaching for enlightenment.  He began his journey to enlightenment extremely profoundly in December 2009 after cultivating an intense background in literature, psychology and philosophy that he rigorously studied since 1996. His pursuit to enlightenment was so intense that he almost became silent since December 2009 and broke his worldly personality around 2011 by intense practice of Sadhna Chatustya Sampatti and thereafter grew a new architecture of personality suitable to realization of truth. He achieved complete intellectual understanding of Truth around 2014 December on his own efforts by his exhaustive study of major civilizations and mystery schools of esotericism; yet he felt deficient. This deficiency through an intuition made him apply the knowledge as a means to the experiential world making him realize the Truth (in June 2015). Realization of Truth made him immediately feel whole and removed all his doubts.

 The job of logical recognition and rationalization of the experience of truth to make it communicable to all in simple terms took another hard struggle of six years and is almost complete now. At the completion of this hard struggle, he is of the conviction that scriptures are not meant to impart knowledge but to recognize the experience of truth.  At the commencement of Corona lockdown in March 2020, he imparted knowledge to his relatives stranded at his place due to cancellation of flights and trains. He made all of them feel whole and fully conversant with truth within two months with around 180 hours of seven step direct teaching. Later he successfully imparted the direct teaching to around 120 seekers from Feb 2021 to Dec 2021.

Realization of truth fills one with wholeness and prevents vulnerability, wounds, sadness, and self –destruction. This makes the knower of truth possess a feeling for beauty, courage to take risks, discipline to tell the truth, and develop a capacity for sacrifice making life satisfying, filled with completeness, and worth living. It changes sense of morality. One begins to live radically with the courage of awakened conscience to do what one feels good to do no matter how it is taken by an orthodox society.


Formerly as Dr. Anand Mishra, he was a professor and head of the humanities department from July 2003 to Feb 2022 in a reputed Engineering College with a Ph. D in Deconstructive philosophy. He imparted life education in particular to thousands of students from 2009 to 2022, and educated thousands and thousands of students in humanities, social and environmental studies in general from 1998 to 2022.


His present pursuits involve full time individual and corporate philosophical consultancy with workshops on stress and sadness elimination, motivation and knowledge sessions, YouTube videos for online viewers, full course modules on easy seven step journey to enlightenment and a lot more with online classes once a week for seekers...
